A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 4 Summary

Alex wakes up in the morning, exactly eight. He is still tired night before, and did not want to go to school. His father reminds him get ahead, he Dyeworks heads off to work. A little later, his mother will get her school, but he tells her he has a headache. He reminds her that it's the law, that he can not miss the work of state Mart, local grocery stores, and tells him it's fine if he wants to sleep it off.

Alex falls back asleep and starts to be disturbing sleep standing militaryesque line with some other boys while senior Georgie consistent with stars, shouting orders to her. He tells Dim, which also shows the older, start whipping Alex, who runs away, begging Dim stop. Alex comes to the door buzzer sound. He tries to ignore the buzzing at first, but it does not stop. He opens the door to find her Post-Remedial Officer, PR The upper arm, standing there. Alex tries to tell him that he has not done anything wrong. P.R. The upper arm sits down and begins to warn Alex to his behavior. He tells him that one of the the boys they had it from the billyboy gang was sent to the hospital, where the He hinted that Alex may have something to do with the injury. He tells Alex be careful, because he does not want to get into trouble if Alex failed and was caught violation of the law again, which the PR also inevitable. Alex assures him that he is live life to the straight and narrow, but public relations, for no conviction.

PR after the leaves, Alex sits down to read a newspaper while he eats his breakfast. There is a newspaper article in the moral corruption of youth today, which that it is the lack of parental discipline, and the lack of good teachers, which cause so much youth violence and disregard for the human race. However, Alex's view, the Board of Directors is to blame. He agrees with the previous pastor of the article, which talked about how adults were responsible for the negative behavior, and that it is the devil, abroad causing the problem. He also thinks about earlier article, which said further research is art would help to curb violent behavior, which Alex finds absurd, such as music and Violence has always been closely associated in his mind.

Alex then head on down to your local Record after breakfast. When he walks in his sees two well adapted for girls, no older than 10, which is also drained school. He speaks seller, Andy and picks up his copy of Beethoven's Ninth, which He has been waiting for. At first, he's going to leave, but then he gets an idea on his head to bring the girls up to his house. Alex offers girls the opportunity to play with their pop music her stereo plus the food, and the girls go to his Although up to the apartment, and Alex give the girls a soda mixed with Scotch to get them very drunk. He injects himself the drug in the mouth, and then proceeds to rape every girl in the sound of Beethoven's Ninth. When the girls start to survive, they understand what is happening to them and go, screaming and beating on Alex.


A Clockwork Orange - Volume 1, Chapter 4 of Analysis

Get off will be the main theme of this chapter. Alex removed his parents, because they lead to respectful, law-abiding life. He continues to show his detachment from the care of others, because he's lying in his broken down by the Post-Correctional Officer in his behavior. Then he goes on to show his appointment, his attitude towards the newspaper ariticle about the causes of youth violence. truly believes that if people enjoy violence, they can not deny his humanity limiting the violence. It shows how detached he has any moral value. We are also beginning to understand that there are problems with the corruption of mankind, but There is little consensus on how to deal with it. Alex enjoys this distinction, because it allows he finds the reasons for his bad behavior without having to take all the responsibilities.

Equate communist society and the story also continues to take shape. We hear Alex's mom to talk about how the law will not allow him to go to work, which is very much what it was like in a communist society. Alex also starting to slip more deviant behavior of his rape of two little girls. Thinking about the impact of his Law of the girls, he thinks only of himself and He takes pleasure in the act itself. We see the music taking its role in his re- abnormality, as he does deeds of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony ("Ode to Joy").


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