A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 1 Summary

Alex is now in state prison 84F. Alex says, in brief detail, his trial. His mother was a crying about how a poor boy, and his father had begun to blame God for what had Alex takes place. According to Alex, the judge just absorbed all the "lies" that P.R. Deltoid told him about Alex's behavior. Finally, Alex was sentenced to 14 years behind bars.

He is now Staja (State Jail) 84F. He was miserably dressed in a one-piece brown jumpsuit with his prisoner number, 6655321, sewn on front and back. He is surrounded by criminals, such as what he had perverted who kept looking at the Alex and possibly having to go to him. He did not want to work in the workshop and was bored hanging out with only his front yard. He was also tired of listening to people's come in and talk about topics such as the universe, and snowflakes, even if the Snowflakes had reminded him of his old droogs, and when he was free.

A while ago, Alex had learned during a visit to his parents, that Georgie was dead. Apparently, Georgie was convinced to try droogs burglarizing the old man's house. He and the other boys had beaten the man on the floor. When they were destroyed by the house, the man grabbed the iron bar and began swinging it at the boys. Pete and Dim able to make it out of the window, but Georgie trips. A man hit him on the head and kill him. Alex considers this just desserts, and Fate.

On this particular Sunday, as most Sundays, Alex Wing chapel, one four chapels in prison. It's his job to work in stereo operation. Chaplain is lecture prisoners, why do they keep coming and crimes in and out of jail. He tells them that hell does exist, and they take the easy out, and there are worse places than Hell, where people writhe in pain. One of the prisoners makes a noise and then beaten and dragged out of the guards, Alex tells us how he came to work in the chapel on Sundays. As part of his training, Alex had been locked in the chapel, forced to read the Bible, and was listen to the music of Bach and Handel. He thinks about how he used to like the old Testament the better, because there was too much preaching in the New Testament. However when the music would play, and he dreamed of physically nailing of Christ cross and take pleasure in violence. Chaplain Alex's wrong interest and took a liking to Alex.

Chaplain continue to talk about the Bible Jesus warns against the construction of house upon the sand, and Alex thinks about how stupid it would be to build a house on sand. Afterward, Chaplain Alex comes over to find out what is going on. Alex knows that he is just prying can give some inside information on the Governor. Alex take pleasure in giving information about the chaplain, as well as right and wrong, and he delivers he made up the story of cocaine coming to the prison, and where it is processed. Chaplain is satisfied.

Alex asks the curate if he has heard any new treatment, and if he could get him in the program. Chaplain must be careful, and warns Alex that treatment, which is called the Ludovico technique is still at an experimental stage. They do not know if treatment really works yet. He also tells Alex that she is not sure if it is godly, as Goodness is selected, but when a man can not choose, he is no longer a human being. Chaplain makes no comment on the treatment that day, even though he told Alex he discuss the matter further. Alex returns to his cell, a new, more criminal, droogs. He is grateful to the they are rough prisoners, but they are not susceptible to perversion meat. There is Zophar, Wall, JoJohn, and a doctor, all of which Alex is referred to as a "crazy a lot." In In addition, even when the cell is originally designed for three, six of them is crammed in there.

Then the guards brought the seventh, says a new prisoner, that he is only to share beds or sleep on the floor.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 1 Analysis This chapter Alex starts his life in prison. Disgruntled spending 14 years of his life locked up, he takes a bit of the joy of his parents' grief and Georgie's death. We see a strange way comparable to Georgie died, and how he set Alex up to be were arrested.

Also in this chapter we see on poetry, religion, and music remains a major

Alex describes the role of the world. He enjoys reading the Bible, but only the violence of its

image. He hears the Bible, than to build a house on sand, and it will take more the literal level as the spiritual.

We also begin to see the chaplain of the novel itself causing the issue. Is the man really man, if he is unable to make the choice between good and evil for themselves? Alex cause a similar issue when reading the paper earlier story, and now it strengthen the belief that if he does not do bad things, he ceases to be a human being.Alex also begins to question the new technology is spoken among the prisoners. He does not think about the consequences or what the treatment is required, he just sees it as a quick way to prison (ie, to build a house on sand instead of a fixed Foundation). He cares little for the chaplain to worry, but only that it served his the desire to be free to control their own lives again.


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