A Clockwork Orange - Part 2 of Chapter 7 Summary

Alex has now been told that he will leave. He has provided clothing, including razor blade that he had used before, and brought to a treatment room, where the is the screen curtains. He looks around and sees the governor, Minister of the Interior, the chaplain, Dr. Brodsky and Dr. Brannon. Dr. Alex Brodsky says the group will be published the next day a changed man, will go a long speech changes. Alex looks around, confused, as the lights to go out and he is in the spotlight. Alex is then ridiculed and pushed around a large, hairy man. At first, Alex reaches his knife, but then he gets an idea of ​​how he cut the man up, and he begins to to cry. While the beast was taunting him, Alex gets down to the ground and starts licking his boots. He's trying to be nice to get sick pain to go away. Than Alex licking his boots, the man kicks him in the face, so Alex trips him. a man falls, but Alex gets sick again. Lights come back again, and visitors to discuss why Alex got sick. No one is very concerned about Alex's exppression of his desires, except the chaplain, who still is concerned that thechoice for you. The rest are just looking to reduce crime.

Alex cries becoming just like Clockwork Orange, understanding why they the words came out of his mouth, but the men just laughed. Men's quarrel when the professor tells Alex he made his choice, and this is the result. Chaplain starts screaming about the perfect love, but Dr. Brodsky to prevent them. They then put Alex through the test with a pretty nurse comes out with Alex. Alex thinks about raping her, but then gets sick, and he begins to tell him how much He loves and adores her. Dr. Brodsky tells them he is a "true Christian" and the Minister says, that is, that it works. A chaplain, however, he agrees to that it is responsible for, that God will help all of them.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 7 Analysis

The final treatment to edit Alex's behavior will be displayed officials to see. The arguments are the ethics of care chaplain overwhelmed by the political benefits of the treatment. Similarities Jews in the Nazi experiments are not lost. Neither have the Communist desire create the perfect utopia through whatever means necessary.

Even though Alex is still no full understanding of why he can not enjoy the violence, as he was before, he did not begin to understand the concepts of clockwork Orange, written by a man he damaged the earlier story.

We also see a chaplain to confirm the point of the novel. Is man really a man, if he there is no other option? Take away someone's choice to be good really what God wants? Is that the love of God?


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