A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 3 Summary

At Korova, it is now more crowded than it was in the past at night, filled with mostly with nasdats (teens). There are also some people from a local television station there, and one of the women put the song progresses cutting her throat and the killing. Song interested in Alex, and he starts to become absorbed in it, when Dim start to make fun music and screaming obscenities. Alex strikes Dim in mouth, making him the blood. Dim is upset, and he and Alex begins to argue with Alex, why Alex hit him. Dim says it is because she is very rude and was being vulgar. Dim start shout out that Alex is not his brother, and others quietly defend Dim. Alex tells ago Dim and others that Dim has to learn his place, to cause others to be droogs vocal and tell Alex that he was wrong and should not have to hit the Dim. Alex begins boil, but keep his tongue. He agrees with the other droogs, and tell them it was music. Dim tells them all that they are tired and should go home to sleep. Alex heads home and goes directly to theelevator, but one can see immediately that it is destroyed, so he walks 10 steps to hishome,

When Alex is, his parents are already asleep, his mother left him a dinner table. When Alex finishes his meal, he leaves his room, eager to listen to his stereo. He put on some classical music and leaning back in his bed, looking at the tickets for her correctional school history. She turns up the music, not caring if it wakes her parents, which is now sleeping pills after Alex "teach" them not to complain. Then he closes the his eyes and let the music start to flow over him, coloring his thoughts, and cause he exclaims. Music brings images of violence, which took place in the in the evening, and Alex falls asleep with the idea that he could have done more double cabin.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 3 Analysis

Chapter 3 takes us deeper into the mind of Alex. We begin to see his belief that he is Director of droogs, and that they should do what he tells them to do. He tries to keep is his self-appointed leadership, even if the other members of the group show indignation of his bullying them. We also see this in his desire for power ideas about how he had to teach his parents have complained about his loud music when they try to sleep.

Alex desire to be top dog also continue to promote violence and the lack of any consideration for others that we have seen so far the novel. Not caring of how the other droogs feel when he gets bossy, not caring that he can raise his parents of his music, we see a normal, self-involvement in adolescence twisted into Alex's violent, and the dominant view of the world. We also continue to see Alex's world taking shape. His parents do not bother to wait for the up to him, even though we now know he is just a teenager, and just leave her food on the table. We see the corruption in which he lives, the fact that he has to walk up to 10 steps, because someone destroyed the elevator. Annihilation Facilities also strengthens the condition of violence against the course of action oppressive society.

Music starts to become even more important to the story, as we see the impact that it is Alex. Mixing the beauty of classical music and violence Alex perpetrates against the people entangled in Alex. There is a strong effect music and poetry, which allows Alex to open up the deepest violent tendencies, and compared to find the beauty of music and its reflection in the darkest part of his thoughts. There is also the importance of music is listened to Alex, because they will come into play later in the novel.


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