A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 2 Summary

After leaving his parents' home, Alex goes over the music of some comfort, only to find that the place is full of young people listening to pop. Andy is no longer there and has been replaced by someone younger and not aware of classical music.

Alex asks to hear Mozart # 40 in G minor and goes to the booth where the guy starts playing Mozart in Prague. Alex knows that he has to watch his anger when he realizes what have started to occur. He feels anger rising physicians music itself makes he was sick. He had forgotten that part of the treatment. Alex runs a music store and goes to Korova Milk Bar, to get the "milk-plus." He hallucinates about God and the Angels shaking her head. When he comes out of the hallucination, he realizes that he has to kill himself. He starts to get sick the idea of ​​cutting himself, so he decides to go to the library to find a pain-free to kill themselves.

When he tries to find a book on suicide, on the other hand, he says the Bible. He opens it to read Of the Old Testament, but then comes hates it when he says that the fighting and of blood.

Alex gets nervous and a man approaches her to ask what was wrong. Alex says he wants to to die, but he tells her that she is too young. As a man speaks, Alex realizes that This is the man he was, and his droogs beat up and torn his books. Then the man recognizes Alex and starts yelling at her boyfriend beat up Alex. They jump, Alex, and no matter how much he tells them he has been punished, they continue to beat her.

The nurse appears and tells them to break it up or he would call the police. After getting hit hard nose, Alex begins to run. He will travel to the stairs and the men begin to kicking him. The police arrive and break up the fighting.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2 of Chapter 3 Analysis

Alex has so far been a character who could share of violence, but here we can see, such as the we do a lot of bullies, that they really can not handle things happen to them. Alex, he feels that life is not worth living if he can not do the things that he enjoys most. He knows less than human. And hallucinations shows that he believes that God is his discontent is less than humans.

We also continue to see Alex feeling the effects of their actions. He will continue to seems like the other side of hate and violence. He is suffering from the hands that he hurt and he must rely on the police, which he once felt great contempt, to be to save him. That they can not fight back, Alex is again no control over their own lives.


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