Classification of accounting personnel

For effective operation of the organization needs to keep careful records of employees in the company. Only by having complete and accurate data on the number of employees, as well as their structure may calculate labor rates organizations such as the average number of employees, number of employees per category.
Depending on the scope of application of labor organization's personnel are divided into manufacturing and non-manufacturing

Production - is the main activity of staff. Its members include employees: main and auxiliary workshops, ancillary industries: logging, peat extraction, quarries and the like, research, design, engineering units, data centers, all kinds of protection, control, etc.
Non-production staff - the staff is not the main activity. The composition of non-production personnel includes workers: part-time farms, housing, utilities, health care, recreational facilities, recreation, physical education, culture, tourism, education, education, etc.;
All workers in organizations vary by category of staff: the workers, executives, professionals, employees.
Workers - those persons directly involved in the process of wealth creation, as well as busy repairing, moving, cargo, passenger transportation, provision of material services. These include workers involved in management, regulation and supervision of the work of machines, power lines, etc.; workers employed by manufacturer of material assets; workers employed moving, loading, unloading, workers involved in the care of machines, machine operators, drivers, firemen, etc.; postmen, telegraph, etc.; computer operators, janitors, cleaners, messengers, cloakroom attendants, watchmen.
The leaders - is managerial employees, which contain: directors, heads, managers, managers, foremen, and the like; senior staff.
Specialists - are employees engaged engineering and technical, economic, and other works: the engineers, economists, and others
Employees - are employees carrying out training and documentation, accounting, control: agents, archivists, cashiers, copyists, secretaries, time markers, an accounting clerk, etc.
Employees of the company are included in the scheduled and unscheduled composition.
In the payroll of employees include all employees taken on a permanent, seasonal and temporary work. Not included in the payroll of employees who are not on the staff of the organization, attracted by the labor agreement for the implementation of single works, pluralists.
Taking into account the personnel of the organization's personnel involved in the personnel office and the person authorized thereto.

2. Accounting for plant personnel

To account for the personal use of specific forms of primary accounting documents:
-Order (order) for a job - is made for each member of the personnel of the personnel department employee or person in charge of hiring. On the treated side of the head indicates the order in what capacity can be used a new employee, his discharge, probation. After that, the order is vised in accordance with the service in order to confirm its compliance with the salary and staffing and signed by the head of the organization. In order acquaint the employee.
Employment agreement (contract) is an agreement between the employee and the employer (natural or legal person) for which the employee agrees to perform work on a particular specialty, qualifications or position according to internal labor regulations, and the employer (natural or legal person) shall pay the employee wages and to provide working conditions stipulated by labor legislation, collective agreement or agreement of the parties. In cases stipulated by federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, the employment contract may contain terms not disclose employee information which is proprietary or trade secrets which have become known to an employee in connection with the performance of his duties
- Personal card - filled in for each individual in the organization in a single instance. It contains general information about the employee.
- Order (order) to transfer to another job - made in duplicate in the personnel department at registration of transfer an employee from one department to another. One copy is kept in the personnel department, the second is passed to the accounts department. Order initialed by the head unit and the head of the organization. On the reverse side of the certificate is given nesdannykh property values.
- Order (Order) for leave - is used for the decoration of annual leave and other leave. Contains the necessary information for the calculation of vacation pay amounts and deductions.
- A personal account - open for each employee in the accounting department: on the front side contains information about the employee to calculate the charges and deductions. On the reverse side - all kinds of charges and deductions for each month.
- Order of the order for termination of the employment contract - drawn up in two copies in the personnel department and signed by the head unit and the organization. The order indicates the reason and grounds for discharge, number and date of the decision. In the form contains a calculation of accrued and withheld amounts and are not handed over data on property values.

Number unified form formyNaimenovanie
T-1Prikaz for a job
T-2Lichnaya card
T-5Prikaz for a transfer to another job
T-6Prikaz for leave

T-8Prikaz the termination of the employment contract
T-9Prikaz to send a mission
T-13Tabel accommodate the use of working time

These accounting personnel are the basis for excluding the use of time and calculating payroll.
Specifically called for the workers of accounts documents are divided into the following groups:
- Documents on the traffic on the service (reception, dismissal, transfer, reconciliation, substitution, modification of payment);
- Documents on additional payments in the form of one-time bonuses, rewards, compensation and benefits;
- Documents on the right interruption from work (vacation, fees, training, etc.);
- Other documents that profile.
These documents require the presence of sufficient and necessary information about the employee, such as the form of the document (order, decree), date, number, name, surname, patronymic worker, the type of employment contract, office, reception conditions, salary, working hours, code production costs for royalties accrued wages, signature of the head of the organization.
Accounting further open and maintain for each personnel number, ie, per worker, more personal account number on the form of the T-54. This is the main analytical instrument, in which for each month separately recorded all the information on the amounts of monthly salary for its species, promotions, compensation, deductions, rebates and amounts to a withdrawal but (the debt for the organization). In fact, in a personal account is created to fill the base of the pay-sheet on the line with the name and employee number of the person. Because the personal account is populated based on primary documents on wages, there are fixed number of hours, days, and other reference data, which is subsequently to various calculations, ensuring their authenticity.

3. Accounting for the use of time

In accordance with Art. 91 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, working time - a time during which the employee in accordance with the internal regulations of the organization and conditions of the employment contract must perform job duties, as well as other periods of time, which, in accordance with the laws and regulations are the working time. Normal working hours may not exceed 40 hours per week. The employer must keep records of time actually spent by each employee.
Accounting for the use of time is a time sheet, the use of time, in the annual time & attendance cards, etc. Report cards are opened, or the organization as a whole (small businesses), or its business units and categories of employees.
They are required not only to accommodate the use of working time of all categories of workers, but also to monitor compliance with the established staff working arrangements, payments to him on the payroll and receive data on hours worked, as well as the compilation of statistical reports on labor.
Report Card made in one copy duly authorized person, signed by the head of the structural unit, human resources practitioners and sent to the accounting department calculated twice a month: for adjusting the amount of the payment for the first half of the month (advance payment) and to calculate the salary for the month. Accounting appearances at work and the use of time is the report card through an exhaustive, ie mark all present themselves, failed to appear, delays, etc., or by recording only deviations (absences, tardiness, etc.). Instructions for completing the unified forms of federal statistical office, approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia from 19.01.2000, the number 4.
The marks on the report card on the causes of non-attendance at work, work part-time or outside of normal working hours for the employee or the employer, reduced working time, etc. are made on the basis of documents processed properly (sick leave, a certificate of performance state or public duties, a written warning of a simple statement of combination, the written consent of the employee to work overtime in cases specified by law, etc.).
The title page of report cards are symbols of waste and unusable time. The number of days and hours indicated with one decimal. In processing credential use numeric code.
For the report on work on the last page of the report card is a table of the daily records of the time and the final line-by-month. The same data used for the analysis of the organization of work units, departments and the organization as a whole (it is calculated by the percentage of the working-valued jobs earners, etc.)
Organizations can apply one of two forms timesheets use of time: the form of number of T-12 (designed to accommodate the use of working time and payroll) and form number T-13 is designed only to account for the use of staff time.
According to the current in the current labor laws for workers established a five-day working week with two days off. A five-day working week duration of daily work (shift) is determined by internal regulations or a shift schedule approved by the administration of the organization, taking into account the specifics of the work, the views of the staff and in compliance with the statutory working week.
In those organizations where the nature of the conditions of production and the introduction of a five-day work week is impractical on the terms and in the manner provided for in Article 46 of the Labor Code, established a six-day working week with one day off.
Holidays that coincide with holidays, necessitated the transfer in accordance with Article 65 of the Labor Code of the weekend on the following business day after the holiday. But in this case, when the holiday falls on a Saturday, a festive day (Friday), reduced by one hour, and if on a Sunday - that such a reduction does not occur.
For certain categories of employees, certain conditions and on some days of the current labor legislation establishes a shortened working hours.
For workers under the age of eighteen years, the labor legislation sets depending on their age, shorter hours of work:
- At the age of 16 to 18 years - not more than 36 hours a week;
- At the age of 15 to 16 years, as well as for students aged 14 to 15 years working in the holidays - no more than 24 hours a week.
The working time students working during the school year in their spare time, can not exceed half of the above norms for individuals of appropriate age (Article 43).
For workers to work in hazardous conditions, set shorter working hours - no more than 36 hours a week. List of productions, workshops, professions and jobs with harmful working conditions, work which gives the right to reduced working hours, according to a procedure established by law (Art. 44).
For certain categories of workers (teachers, doctors, women in rural areas and in the North, the disabled) legislation also set shorter working hours (Article 45).
When working at night, the installed length of work (shift) is reduced by one hour. This rule does not apply to employees who have provided the reduction of working time (Article 44 and 45). The duration of night work is equated with a day in those cases where it is necessary for the production conditions, in particular in the process industry as well as the replacement works a six-day working week with one day off.
To work at night are not allowed: pregnant women and women with children under three years of age; workers under the age of eighteen years, other categories of workers, in accordance with the law. People with disabilities may be required to work at night only with their consent and provided that such work is not prohibited them medical advice. The night is the time from 10 pm to 6 am (v. 48).
Overtime is usually not allowed. Considered overtime work in excess of the hours of work (Articles 46 and 52). Administration may apply to work overtime only in exceptional cases provided for by law and by Article 55 of the RF CT. Overtime work may be carried out only with the permission of the elected trade union body, enterprise, institution, or organization.
The labor law provides regimes "by the day", "week" and "summation" of attendance. They mean the possibility of implementing a variety of ways the established norm of working time within a certain calendar period. The waste employee time is taken into account for each working day (shift), regardless of the type of work patterns.
Per diem allowance applies a six-day working week and the fact that the provision in Article 46 and 47 of the Labor Code of the duration of daily work routine or schedule is implemented without deviation in every working day.
A six-day working week duration of daily work can not exceed: 7 hours - at a rate of 40 hours a week, 6:00 - with a weekly limit of 36 hours and 4 hours - a weekly limit of 24 hours.
On the eve of public holidays provided for in Article 65 of the Labor Code, the duration of the employees (excluding employees with reduced working hours in accordance with Articles 43-45 of the Labor Code) is reduced by one hour as a five-day and six-day working week.
On the eve of the weekend duration of the six-day working week can not exceed 6 hours.
When taking into account day-work beyond the working day is recognized overtime (Articles 54-56 of the Labor Code). It is paid in accordance with Article 88 of the Labor Code, and can not be compensated by a flaw in the other days or compensatory time off.
Example: Schedule for day laborers account for an arbitrarily selected work week may look like this:
The number (s) of the week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The number of working hours 7 7 7 7 7 5 V
Note: The "V" - a day off Sunday.
Thus, in the above chart the following condition of Article 43 of the Labor Code, which established that the normal working hours of employees in organizations can not exceed 40 hours per week.
A weekly allowance is established that the rate of labor laws work week, which is specified in Articles 42-45 of the Labor Code, implemented schedule or routine in each calendar week, with the full number of working days.
This treatment has occurred when the law itself only normalizes the work week, and the duration of daily work schedule is determined by the (routine) in compliance with the norms of hours a week. It is inherent in the five-day working week with two days off. With a total length of five working days, equal to the sum of 40 hours (during normal working week) and 36 to 24 hours (operating under the reduced working time).
For weekly account of work in excess of the working week is recognized overtime, it is paid in the prescribed manner for overtime and can not be compensated by reducing the duration of daily work in other weeks or compensatory time off.
Summarized account of working time is a special order and distribution of working hours, which takes into account the duration of time worked per day and week, in cases where it deviates from the established norms of labor legislation. With this approach, a rigorous and organized records of working hours and rest periods.
Possibility of introducing a calculation of the total working hours in companies and organizations that have a specific job (transport, communications, trade), regulated by Article 52 of the Labor Code, which stipulates that "on a continuously operating enterprises, institutions, organizations, and in some industries , shops, stations, offices and in occupations where the conditions of production (work) can not be followed established for this category of workers daily or weekly hours of work shall be permitted in consultation with the appropriate choice of the trade union body of the enterprise, institution, organization administering the total time tracking, so that the working hours for an accounting period does not exceed the normal number of working hours (Article 42-45).
At the calculation of the total working time accounts will be the calendar period (length of time) during which the average is to be observed that labor legislation for this category of workers working day and the working week.
The reference period for the decision of the organization can be measured in weeks, month, quarter, half-year or a year and cover both the time and the hours of work on the weekends, public holidays and rest periods. At the same time daily and weekly hours of work on schedule, within certain limits may bow out of normal working hours of the day and the week. Arising in connection with this defect or processing are balanced within the accounting period in such a way that the amount of hours of work scheduled for the accounting period was equal to normal hours of this period. At the calculation of the total working time, as a rule, the work is performed according to the schedules, the length of shifts in which is fixed in advance and is mandatory for each day of operation.
However, at a certain specificity of production, such as the drivers' cars when they have by virtue of the prevailing road conditions, failure to carry out loading and unloading operations, the technical condition of the rolling stock and other factors, the actual duration of daily work on some days can be different from the duration of change the schedule, use a different kind of calculation of the total, at which, in the case of processing in some days, it is redeemed by reducing the time of the other days or the provision of additional time (days) rest within a given accounting period.

4. The functional capabilities of the accounting staff

Typically, such systems have a modular design.
The main modules, which are present in almost all of the systems include the following:
The staffing. The main objective of the module - the description of the organizational structure of the company. Here you can enter information about the organizational and staffing division.
Personnel records. The main objectives of the module - maintaining all records of personnel through automated operations to receive, transfer, dismissal of employees, as well as the preparation and registration of orders, formation of various lists and reports. Data on leave, sick benefits and staff input to this module are the starting point for payroll employees. System users can obtain arbitrary reports any information entered into the database.
Timecard. With the module keeps track of work or report card is generated over a period of time based on absences (vacation, sick, trips, etc.), introduced in the personnel department. Report Card can be formed both by department and across the enterprise as a whole. The data from this module is passed to a "Payroll" as the source for the payroll.
Payroll. The module is designed to automate payroll employees of the enterprise, based on the formation of the calculation of various reports, documents, automatic generation of entries, reflecting on the accounts of the enterprise labor costs of employees.
In the Pension Fund of Russia. The main purpose of the module is to automate the individual record data on insured persons and Report for the Pension Fund.
The system administrator. The main purpose of the module is to set up the system and organization of user access. Traditionally, users of the system are business executives, managers and HR administration, time & attendance office staff and military records tables, inspector of labor and wages, chief accountants and calculators settlement groups.
Between the systems of this group are different module configuration flexibility and convenience of the users. Different developers varies the rate of release of new versions that support changes in legislation and take into account the wishes of customers. Computational power systems differ - some systems can expect salaries only for small businesses, while others cope successfully with the calculation of the companies, employing tens of thousands of people. Many customers want to have a comprehensive system, which means that suppliers of HR management systems should provide docking with software products of other companies, especially it concerns the systems of financial-economic activity or the relevant modules of ERP-systems. The reality of our time - a holding company and, therefore, the system must work effectively in a distributed structure, both with direct lines of communication, and in their absence.
Examples of systems of accounting staff:
The software package "Autom: \ Personnel Management" consists of modules:
· Salary - the program provides a final salary payment of wages, and a full analysis of personnel costs. "Automation and Remote Control: \ Salary" is integrated with all major financial systems, which allows you to transfer all the necessary information on the costs of staff, with a detailed and group data by any parameter.
· Frames - program staff automates workflow Human Resources department that brings a new level of personnel management. The module generates all output forms necessary for the efficient operation of the HR manager, simplifies the handling of large amounts of personnel data and significantly reduces the effort required to perform routine tasks.
· Report Card - timesheet software is designed to track time at the company. Analysis of working time provides a structure using the waste of time and absences by departments, the enterprise as a whole or arbitrary groups of employees based on several levels of intelligence.
· Competence - a program to develop models of competence of the staff of the center of competencies and competency profiles.
· FIU - the program is completely personalized retirement account provides automated reporting to the FIU of the Russian Federation. On the basis of personalized information in accordance with the rules of the RPF formed the accounting documents and create text files to send information to the FIU.
"1C: Payroll and Personnel Management 8" - a program of mass assignment for complex automation of payroll and personnel policies of the companies and organizations. It has been used successfully in human services and accountants, as well as in other departments, whose task is to organize the effective work of the staff.
"1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" - is a ready-made solution that takes into account the legal requirements, the actual practice of enterprises and the global trends in the methods and motivation of personnel management.
Application Solution "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" automates the following tasks:
· Payroll;
• management of the financial motivation of staff;
· Calculus regulated by the legislation of taxes and contributions from the salary;
· Reflect the accrued wages and taxes in the cost of the enterprise;
• management of cash settlements with the staff, including the deposition;
· Personnel records and analysis of personnel;
· Automation of HR administration;
· Planning staffing needs;
· Providing business personnel;
• management competencies, training, performance appraisal.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 4 Summary

Alex wakes up in the morning, exactly eight. He is still tired night before, and did not want to go to school. His father reminds him get ahead, he Dyeworks heads off to work. A little later, his mother will get her school, but he tells her he has a headache. He reminds her that it's the law, that he can not miss the work of state Mart, local grocery stores, and tells him it's fine if he wants to sleep it off.

Alex falls back asleep and starts to be disturbing sleep standing militaryesque line with some other boys while senior Georgie consistent with stars, shouting orders to her. He tells Dim, which also shows the older, start whipping Alex, who runs away, begging Dim stop. Alex comes to the door buzzer sound. He tries to ignore the buzzing at first, but it does not stop. He opens the door to find her Post-Remedial Officer, PR The upper arm, standing there. Alex tries to tell him that he has not done anything wrong. P.R. The upper arm sits down and begins to warn Alex to his behavior. He tells him that one of the the boys they had it from the billyboy gang was sent to the hospital, where the He hinted that Alex may have something to do with the injury. He tells Alex be careful, because he does not want to get into trouble if Alex failed and was caught violation of the law again, which the PR also inevitable. Alex assures him that he is live life to the straight and narrow, but public relations, for no conviction.

PR after the leaves, Alex sits down to read a newspaper while he eats his breakfast. There is a newspaper article in the moral corruption of youth today, which that it is the lack of parental discipline, and the lack of good teachers, which cause so much youth violence and disregard for the human race. However, Alex's view, the Board of Directors is to blame. He agrees with the previous pastor of the article, which talked about how adults were responsible for the negative behavior, and that it is the devil, abroad causing the problem. He also thinks about earlier article, which said further research is art would help to curb violent behavior, which Alex finds absurd, such as music and Violence has always been closely associated in his mind.

Alex then head on down to your local Record after breakfast. When he walks in his sees two well adapted for girls, no older than 10, which is also drained school. He speaks seller, Andy and picks up his copy of Beethoven's Ninth, which He has been waiting for. At first, he's going to leave, but then he gets an idea on his head to bring the girls up to his house. Alex offers girls the opportunity to play with their pop music her stereo plus the food, and the girls go to his Although up to the apartment, and Alex give the girls a soda mixed with Scotch to get them very drunk. He injects himself the drug in the mouth, and then proceeds to rape every girl in the sound of Beethoven's Ninth. When the girls start to survive, they understand what is happening to them and go, screaming and beating on Alex.


A Clockwork Orange - Volume 1, Chapter 4 of Analysis

Get off will be the main theme of this chapter. Alex removed his parents, because they lead to respectful, law-abiding life. He continues to show his detachment from the care of others, because he's lying in his broken down by the Post-Correctional Officer in his behavior. Then he goes on to show his appointment, his attitude towards the newspaper ariticle about the causes of youth violence. truly believes that if people enjoy violence, they can not deny his humanity limiting the violence. It shows how detached he has any moral value. We are also beginning to understand that there are problems with the corruption of mankind, but There is little consensus on how to deal with it. Alex enjoys this distinction, because it allows he finds the reasons for his bad behavior without having to take all the responsibilities.

Equate communist society and the story also continues to take shape. We hear Alex's mom to talk about how the law will not allow him to go to work, which is very much what it was like in a communist society. Alex also starting to slip more deviant behavior of his rape of two little girls. Thinking about the impact of his Law of the girls, he thinks only of himself and He takes pleasure in the act itself. We see the music taking its role in his re- abnormality, as he does deeds of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony ("Ode to Joy").

A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 6 Summary

Droogs head out to Victoria Flat Block's Old Town, which is located in the Manse. Alex's comments that a lot of old, rich women tend to live in the area. They arrive at the Manse, and go to the window first to see what's happening inside the home. They see the old man feeding a number of cats and kittens milk. Droogs first to decide to go to the door and say that Georgie passed out and in need of help. Alex rings the bell several times before she tells them to go away, because he does not want what they are selling, or he will shoot.

Alex thinks he is a little crazy, and then find out the window, that he thinks they could Climb through the house. They pretend to leave, Alex and the droogs help through the window. He tells them he climb through the quiet old lady, and then give them the door.

He breaks the closed window handle of his knife, and climbs in the hallway.She decides that she looks droogs, that he can do acts of self, and the ends of the down the aisle towards the old lady instead of droogs. When he arrives room, he sees the silver statue and take it. He has a room full of cats and a woman. He begins to speak to him, and he begins to shouting at him to stay away, threatening him with his cane. Alex then allowed to interfere with the a statue of Beethoven, and begins to walk towards it. He slips on the saucer of milk, and the woman hit him with his cane when he loses his balance. He continues to beat him with a cane until he catches it, throws him off balance. As he falls, he will take table cloth with him, and the cats will start to panic.

Alex gets up and kicking a woman. When he comes back, he accidentally steps into a cat tail, and the cat clinging to his leg. When he Pries cat off, and goes to Beethoven statue again, slipping, once again, on the other bowl of milk. Lady ago grabs her feet and allowed him to fall, and he attacks the cats. Lady screaming, encouraging the cats to attack, and Alex, then stabbed him in the silver statue of a cross- mouth to catch him.

Alex then runs to the door and fumbles with the number of locks woman is on top it, and there is a Dim standing outside the door of his chain. He chains up Alex, and leave him there for the police to arrive as soon as droogs run-off. Police are pleased to catch "Little Alex", as they call him. trying to resist arrest, fighting them off and yelling obscenities. He shouts that he is innocent.

Police throw Alex in the car, two police officers who keep hitting him on the way to the station. They also tease him verbally. Alex tells them he does not to know how they know his name, and they tell him that Alex and his friends earned a reputation for. Alex tells them that the droogs are not his friends, and will continue tell the officials that his droogs were the ones who framed him.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 6 Analysis

Alex, in his desire to show the boys that he is the boss, a victim of his desire to domination. His crime, is this woman in the house, was not about artistic crime he had grown to relish, but the revenge doubt of his friends. However, he underestimation of his friends, because most people who crave the power to do, and he sat down up.

While the old woman's house, we also see a disturbing, but also a slapstick scene errors in Alex's part. His obsession for music leads him to Beethoven statue, symbol of his violent tendencies, and his desire is to lead him to slip on a saucer filled with milk.

A woman and her cats have also underestimated Alex because he will fight back - and so do cats. All the time, even if Alex thinks that he can get his friends and to get out, only to find that they are serious about having enough his lordship. They had set him to get caught.

Alex then becomes trapped in one, without supervision, which allowed him to splurge. not take care of not only themselves, and continue to show no loyalty by trying to implicate his friend crime. At the same time, he falls victim to the joy of the police unable to catch Alex. They show the same joy to catch him, because he has already he perpetrates violence against others.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 2 of Chapter 7 Summary

Alex has now been told that he will leave. He has provided clothing, including razor blade that he had used before, and brought to a treatment room, where the is the screen curtains. He looks around and sees the governor, Minister of the Interior, the chaplain, Dr. Brodsky and Dr. Brannon. Dr. Alex Brodsky says the group will be published the next day a changed man, will go a long speech changes. Alex looks around, confused, as the lights to go out and he is in the spotlight. Alex is then ridiculed and pushed around a large, hairy man. At first, Alex reaches his knife, but then he gets an idea of ​​how he cut the man up, and he begins to to cry. While the beast was taunting him, Alex gets down to the ground and starts licking his boots. He's trying to be nice to get sick pain to go away. Than Alex licking his boots, the man kicks him in the face, so Alex trips him. a man falls, but Alex gets sick again. Lights come back again, and visitors to discuss why Alex got sick. No one is very concerned about Alex's exppression of his desires, except the chaplain, who still is concerned that thechoice for you. The rest are just looking to reduce crime.

Alex cries becoming just like Clockwork Orange, understanding why they the words came out of his mouth, but the men just laughed. Men's quarrel when the professor tells Alex he made his choice, and this is the result. Chaplain starts screaming about the perfect love, but Dr. Brodsky to prevent them. They then put Alex through the test with a pretty nurse comes out with Alex. Alex thinks about raping her, but then gets sick, and he begins to tell him how much He loves and adores her. Dr. Brodsky tells them he is a "true Christian" and the Minister says, that is, that it works. A chaplain, however, he agrees to that it is responsible for, that God will help all of them.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 7 Analysis

The final treatment to edit Alex's behavior will be displayed officials to see. The arguments are the ethics of care chaplain overwhelmed by the political benefits of the treatment. Similarities Jews in the Nazi experiments are not lost. Neither have the Communist desire create the perfect utopia through whatever means necessary.

Even though Alex is still no full understanding of why he can not enjoy the violence, as he was before, he did not begin to understand the concepts of clockwork Orange, written by a man he damaged the earlier story.

We also see a chaplain to confirm the point of the novel. Is man really a man, if he there is no other option? Take away someone's choice to be good really what God wants? Is that the love of God?

A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 1 Summary

Alex brings us back to two years ago, when he was released from prison amonst a lot of media attention. He has given personal belongings and money to get him started a new life. Alex leaders, the local diner breakfast and sees two men sexually harassing a young woman, and the scene will make him a little sick.

Alex is sitting quietly at a table and reads the paper to his breakfast. The front page dedicated Board of Directors and the approaching elections. Alex turns to the side and there an article on him, and Ludovico's technique. The article talks about how the world is getting better and better, because of the increased number of police and less criminals.

When you read the paper, Alex heads home. He discovers that he is a little bit cleaner streets, and when he arrives at his building entry way is clean and the elevator works. apartment, Alex uses his key to the door and walks to his parents and strange man having breakfast. Man yelling Alex to get out, and her mother blame him for escaping.

Alex tells them that he has been released, and learns that Joe, the man at the table is of the border. His parents rented her room, and they did not know he was coming home. Alex goes to his room to clean up Joe things, and finds that all his stuff is gone. His parents explain that the police sold all his things to take care of the old lady's dead cats. Alex returns to the living room and sits on the couch crying.

Joe continues to bark, Alex, tells his parents that he should go and learn from his lesson. His parents refuse to kick Joe out, and still confused and unsure of what to said Alex. Alex tells them that no one loves him, and that, after all he has suffered there there is no place for him to stay. Joe tells Alex that it was his parents and the people whom he has hurt, who have suffered.

In his wrath, Alex tells parents that they would never see him again. His father says Alex is not to be like that, while his mother just cries. Alex walks out, leaving her parents their "horrible guilt."


A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 1 Analysis

Alex had such high hopes for his release, but his idea of ​​a glorious homecoming rather to point out is egocentrism. Alex does not believe that there may be some fear or misunderstanding of his prior behavior and the technology he has made. He still believes that he is the only one who has suffered. Joe is the first sound of a parent who has met with Alex and Alex suffers from his helplessness situation.

We also see changes in the world around him. Things are cleaner. There is less graffiti and less violence. While the elevator is working. The paper notes that there is less criminals and the police, and we are beginning to see the sterilization of society. Well similar to the control communism tried to take the height of its power.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 4 Summary

Alex is wheeled into the room with a big screen and what looks like a denist's a chair. He is assisted by a chair, because he is so weak. They strap him down chair, including taping your eyes open, and Alex kept telling them this is the great movie, if they have to keep him down. He looks as they pin their heads and wires the chest.

Dr. Brodsky, a fat man with curly hair, and will identify the situation. Alex ago hear the humming equipment is switched on. The movie starts. It involves scene after scene of bloody and increased violence. Alex watches movies wondering if the video was real, but also more severely than it goes on. After a few movies, the staff will stop movies, and Dr. Brodsky tells them that Alex registered 12.5. They begin to movies again. Alex continues to feel more sickly and to know if he can just close his eyes, it will stop, but her eyes are taped open. In the film a woman burned to death, Alex shouts that he is going to vomit. Dr. Brodsky tells him that it's just his imagination, and moves to the next film describes the Japanese torture. Alex yelling stop movies, but Dr. Brodsky just for laughs telling him they are just beginning.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 4 Analysis

Here we have the first idea of ​​Dr. Brodsky's advice. Through the injection and these films, Alex's face action, which he once found so wonderful. Now the irony of the word "horror show" is what Alex has been used so many times has to describe his violence.

We also see how Alex has been blinded by the treatment he was facing. Alex, who then enjoys to control and manage, now has no control. We saw earlier that Alex was a strong aversion to vomiting something that is often pointed to as the loss of control. Now he is sitting in the room watching what he once took pleasure in and lose to control his violence to enjoy yourself.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 2 Summary

Alex is frustrated by the new cellmate, and it makes him even more motivated to get out of prison. Cellmate is a tough, stuck-up, and quite annoying. He starts from the Alex, as he is the youngest, saying that Alex is the one that has to sleep floor, but the other cellmates become the Alex defense. That night, when Alex was sleeping, a new prisoner comes into bed with Alex and begins to touch her. Ales punches a guy in the mouth. Other prisoners to wake up and start joining in, making quite a ruckus. The guards will come and break it up, blaming Alex. While Alex anger, they will tell them all to go back to bed and leave. Alex warns new prisoner did not touch him, and the mind itself in the cell. The group then cut a new prisoner until he falls to the floor, Alex gives him the last kick, as it is.

Alex goes back to sleep and dream in the orchestra. He was the wind instruments playing in white, pink, bassoon, which is growing in her belly. When he blow the bassoon, it tickles. As the dream went on, the conductor, the combination of Handel and Beethoven, became more and more insane. Prison buzzer wakes up Alex. He is in good condition bloodied prisoner on the floor and give him a light kick, but the prisoner did not move. He is dead. Other cellmates blame Alex, even though they helped beating a prisoner. Alex is responsible for their devious the behavior of his old droogs.

The guards carry dead prisoner and locked out of the prison. The governor will down the cell's another big man with a very nice suit, and he starts spouting off talk about over-crowding causes for what happened and the need for political criminals. He also talks about curing the criminal reflex. Alex tries to tell him that he is is not a common criminal than others, but the head of the guard tells him to shut up. Big The man then tells the others that Alex is perfect, because he is young and cruel. Brodsky deals with him the next day, and turns him beyond all recognition. Alex believes that he is at the beginning of his freedom.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 2 Analysis

Here we see Alex back to the situation set I think he is better than other people. He beats a man to death, as well as to help people he thinks are his friends, and reach all the blame. We also continue to see equated with violence music, as he dreams of the orchestra after beating new cellmate.

Alex still has only one focus, to get out of jail, to the point that it blinds him to the Governor and the big man had been discussed. He is willing to take any they have to offer in order to get out, but did not bother to take a look at the potential adverse consequences. It is once again a battle between the inside of Alex to think about things through inspiration or Fate taking over.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 5 Summary

Alex wakes up very late, at 7:30, and thinks to himself, how one thing leads to another. He realizes that one of his parents off his stereo, and listen to the sound of his room, home from work, and get ready for the evening meal.

Alex put his Good Boy award to his parents and tells them that he is getting ready to job. He cleaned himself and joins them for dinner. Alex's father is suspicious and Alex asks where he is going to work at night. Alex tells him that he does odd jobs, and his father did not press him further, but did not voice some concern for Alex. He tells Alex that he had a dream about him the night before, and warns Alex not dismiss it as a dream or a laugh. Alex's dream was about to get beaten up in his old friends before Alex went to the prison school, and lay street, unable to get up, in a pool of blood. Alex then remember your dream Georgie as the military leader in the adoption and will stir up the Dim Alex. Alex reaches into his pocket and give his father the money to take her mother out of the beverages. Father tells Alex that they do not really go out much anymore, because the streets are so full of criminals at night. At the same time, Alex's mother does not care about the He washes the dishes in the kitchen. Alex's father takes the money and tells Alex she will buy him something good to drink.

Alex then left the apartment and heads downstairs, where he expected to see the droogs him, without damaging the painting in the hall. They say that they were concerned about the fact that Alex was still crazy, because he had not shown them. Alex tells them she overslept due to he had a headache earlier in the day. Droogs tells Alex that he probably had headache from thinking too much and bossing them around all the time. Alex begins to hate the direction the debate is going and meet them talking behind your back. Georgie speaks and tells Alex that it is part of the "New Way "of things. Meanwhile, Alex makes sure that he is a bigger step than the other droogs looking at them. Pete says, and tells Alex that they want more the democratic way of doing things, and that they are tired of being bossed around Alex, no offense to Alex, of course. She tells him that they are growing and they are want to get the bigger stuff.

He tells Alex that they have talked about is how much money is in English they could do if they stole valuable things. Alex denies that they have a had a meeting with Will in English and takes them to task for what they are to really make the kind of money they are talking about doing and making fun them.

Georgie tells Alex that they're going to pull the "Mansız 'offense, and to understand that his the dream is a reality, because Georgie is now trying to boss everyone around. Alex is patient, though, and plays along to get a little more information. Georgie tells Alex that they are going to go drink some first sharpen. Alex agrees to and they head out into the night. Alex begins to think more along the way, and notes that thinking is bad, but to wait for divine inspiration. He hears Beethoven Concerto enter the car and realizes what he should do.

Alex pulls a knife, Georgie, and they will have it a little bit. Dim start to pull chain around his waist to defend Georgie, but Pete keeps him back. Alex and Georgie still go to each other, but the fighting is difficult, because they know movements of each other so well. People are walking, not looking like they do not care fight, as if it happens all the time. Alex eventually cut Georgie's hand, and he falls the knife.

Dim then be Georgie the rescue and starts to go after Alex his chain. strategy using the Dim and will remain low. Finally, he cut Dim wrist pretty badly, such as there is a lot of blood. Alex turns to face Pete that supports off, saying that he did does not do anything.

Alex wraps around the cloth around the Dim's wrist, telling him that it will stop the bleeding, and the they head back to the Duke of New York, when it does. The same older women are there, the boys continue to sing praises. Alex reestablishes his dominance boys and let them know about it. Georgie then speaks to rob a place called Manse, with a rich, older woman lives with her numerous cats. Alex agrees, wanting to gives the opportunity to Georgie. Alex, in turn, leads the boys out of his doom.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 5 Analysis

Here we see Alex show how she has worn her parents. He is able to put the simplest act is good, and they believe him. We also see the unconditional love parents that, regardless of how much Alex is done, they continue treatment and worry about what he is doing.

Dreams will start to be feeling no idea, because Alex's father to discuss the dream Alex was beaten to a bloody his friends. Alex also recalls his dreams, and sees it as begins to take shape in reality Georgie tries to take over some of the management group. However, Alex is not in stock told the dream to control his destiny, and he resorts to violence to keep droogs in check. Alex the biggest fear of losing control and power begins to penetrate her reality. is, always, is to control the group. Even in its own activities directed and periodically calculated. Although he again appeals to the music of divine intervention. We also begin to see in this chapter the role that God plays Alex actions. believes, as we saw in the previous chapters, that God intended people to do what they take pleasure in, even if it is the violence and mayhem. He begins to refer to the the divine and God more, too. He believes that the divine inspiration come to you when they are needed, and once again provide him with ideas for music leads to violence and deviant behavior, such as He fights on the street, Georgie and Dim. We also continue to see the impact that the ongoing violence is the general population. People in Alex's world is so desensitized to violence that they do not pay mind boys fighting knives and chains. They just walk in as if it is normal for violent action on the street.

This desensitization was a prominent communist society, where the government become known only to pull people out, maybe people, and even kill them little reason. It was always a concern, but also just a part of life, they lived.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 6 Summary

Alex jumped from the window, but points out that he can not, he is dead or not have been able to tell the new ones. He wakes up in the hospital having broken many bones. During this time, he falls in and out of consciousness. The next time he wakes up, he sees some doctors and chaplain there. Chaplain tells Alex that he has left his in prison, and is now preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. He could not bear the the government is doing to people.

While Alex is asleep, he has dreams emptied and filled with something clean. Then he is a beautifully violent dreams. After waking up the next day, she sees her parents there, crying. Alex can finally talk a little more clearly, and asking how they can possibly feel welcome. They apologize for kicking him out and tell him that Joe has won The police for no good reason, and has been a move back home again. They call to leave, he tells them he think about it.

About two weeks in the hospital, the doctors come and show him pictures innocent things, such as birds and women. They ask Alex what he would like to do objects in pictures, and she relays all violent that he would like to do them. He did not get sick. Doctors say that it is good, because they have made some hypnopaedic her way to cure him. They tell him that he will soon be a very special visitor.

That special visitor happens to be the Minister of the Interior. Alex speaks Minister very informally, telling him that he is a friend to all, except His enemies, who has done him wrong. Minister tells Alex that hey have been imprisoned three men and F. Alexander tries to give Alex to die in order to bring down the current government. F. Alexander now wants to kill Alex because someone told him Alex was the fact that he was a victim of years ago.

Minister tells Alex that if he goes to the government to set him up great job and the money, because Alex has helped them so much. He takes some Media photos of Alex and then offers Alex a stereo as a gift. He tells them he wants to listen to Beethoven's ninth. He signed some papers, and then baptized for the Beethoven sound.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 6 Analysis

Alex gets his wish now that he is free from restrictions on him Board of Directors, but he continues to use the government itself. This time, we see the government by turning their vision of how to manage the anomaly corresponds to the men willing to sacrifice themselves to freedom.

Alex finds himself once again be able to get violent thoughts and selfish actions, Ai only when his leap of faith. His visitors to offer him some explanation, but it is Minister, who offers him the best gift of music. Alex does not care who's using him, as we shall see, that he will only care about themselves. He paused growth evidenced by their self-centered attitude.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 2 Summary

After leaving his parents' home, Alex goes over the music of some comfort, only to find that the place is full of young people listening to pop. Andy is no longer there and has been replaced by someone younger and not aware of classical music.

Alex asks to hear Mozart # 40 in G minor and goes to the booth where the guy starts playing Mozart in Prague. Alex knows that he has to watch his anger when he realizes what have started to occur. He feels anger rising physicians music itself makes he was sick. He had forgotten that part of the treatment. Alex runs a music store and goes to Korova Milk Bar, to get the "milk-plus." He hallucinates about God and the Angels shaking her head. When he comes out of the hallucination, he realizes that he has to kill himself. He starts to get sick the idea of ​​cutting himself, so he decides to go to the library to find a pain-free to kill themselves.

When he tries to find a book on suicide, on the other hand, he says the Bible. He opens it to read Of the Old Testament, but then comes hates it when he says that the fighting and of blood.

Alex gets nervous and a man approaches her to ask what was wrong. Alex says he wants to to die, but he tells her that she is too young. As a man speaks, Alex realizes that This is the man he was, and his droogs beat up and torn his books. Then the man recognizes Alex and starts yelling at her boyfriend beat up Alex. They jump, Alex, and no matter how much he tells them he has been punished, they continue to beat her.

The nurse appears and tells them to break it up or he would call the police. After getting hit hard nose, Alex begins to run. He will travel to the stairs and the men begin to kicking him. The police arrive and break up the fighting.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2 of Chapter 3 Analysis

Alex has so far been a character who could share of violence, but here we can see, such as the we do a lot of bullies, that they really can not handle things happen to them. Alex, he feels that life is not worth living if he can not do the things that he enjoys most. He knows less than human. And hallucinations shows that he believes that God is his discontent is less than humans.

We also continue to see Alex feeling the effects of their actions. He will continue to seems like the other side of hate and violence. He is suffering from the hands that he hurt and he must rely on the police, which he once felt great contempt, to be to save him. That they can not fight back, Alex is again no control over their own lives.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 3 Summary

At Korova, it is now more crowded than it was in the past at night, filled with mostly with nasdats (teens). There are also some people from a local television station there, and one of the women put the song progresses cutting her throat and the killing. Song interested in Alex, and he starts to become absorbed in it, when Dim start to make fun music and screaming obscenities. Alex strikes Dim in mouth, making him the blood. Dim is upset, and he and Alex begins to argue with Alex, why Alex hit him. Dim says it is because she is very rude and was being vulgar. Dim start shout out that Alex is not his brother, and others quietly defend Dim. Alex tells ago Dim and others that Dim has to learn his place, to cause others to be droogs vocal and tell Alex that he was wrong and should not have to hit the Dim. Alex begins boil, but keep his tongue. He agrees with the other droogs, and tell them it was music. Dim tells them all that they are tired and should go home to sleep. Alex heads home and goes directly to theelevator, but one can see immediately that it is destroyed, so he walks 10 steps to hishome,

When Alex is, his parents are already asleep, his mother left him a dinner table. When Alex finishes his meal, he leaves his room, eager to listen to his stereo. He put on some classical music and leaning back in his bed, looking at the tickets for her correctional school history. She turns up the music, not caring if it wakes her parents, which is now sleeping pills after Alex "teach" them not to complain. Then he closes the his eyes and let the music start to flow over him, coloring his thoughts, and cause he exclaims. Music brings images of violence, which took place in the in the evening, and Alex falls asleep with the idea that he could have done more double cabin.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 3 Analysis

Chapter 3 takes us deeper into the mind of Alex. We begin to see his belief that he is Director of droogs, and that they should do what he tells them to do. He tries to keep is his self-appointed leadership, even if the other members of the group show indignation of his bullying them. We also see this in his desire for power ideas about how he had to teach his parents have complained about his loud music when they try to sleep.

Alex desire to be top dog also continue to promote violence and the lack of any consideration for others that we have seen so far the novel. Not caring of how the other droogs feel when he gets bossy, not caring that he can raise his parents of his music, we see a normal, self-involvement in adolescence twisted into Alex's violent, and the dominant view of the world. We also continue to see Alex's world taking shape. His parents do not bother to wait for the up to him, even though we now know he is just a teenager, and just leave her food on the table. We see the corruption in which he lives, the fact that he has to walk up to 10 steps, because someone destroyed the elevator. Annihilation Facilities also strengthens the condition of violence against the course of action oppressive society.

Music starts to become even more important to the story, as we see the impact that it is Alex. Mixing the beauty of classical music and violence Alex perpetrates against the people entangled in Alex. There is a strong effect music and poetry, which allows Alex to open up the deepest violent tendencies, and compared to find the beauty of music and its reflection in the darkest part of his thoughts. There is also the importance of music is listened to Alex, because they will come into play later in the novel.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 7 Summary

In the last chapter of the book, we find Alex being dragged into the whitewashed room with the police department. Room smells like vomit, feces, and disinfectant. Alex could hear other prisoners sing and curse, and he also hears The police tell the prisoners quiet. Finally, he heard the prisoner was beaten and crying of pain.

Alex watches officials to drink tea, and catch your own reflection mirror. To his horror, Alex sees how terrible she looks. His mouth and nose are swollen, and his eyes are red. The police laugh. Alex claims lawyer, says the officers that he knows the law and the rights of advice. The officers laugh again. They tell Alex that they know the law, too, and one of the police officers punches Alex in the stomach. Alex has to lean against the wall, in order to catch his breath and to keep oneself to vomit his dinner. When he catches her breath, he kicks the officer Shin. This calls on the Revenge of other officers jump and win Alex.

When Alex vomit, for one thing, he does not want to do, they stop and tell Alex to sit down. They start to talk about Alex than they have been old friends. PR Deltoid then come and Alex, "I told you so." Alex tells P.R. has been set up, but all the talk about his PR Deltoid does not appear in court the next day. Meanwhile, police have urged the public relations hit Alex, but Alex surprises PR by spitting in his face. He leaves the room a word. The police was Alex trying to get his opinion. Alex decides that if Police on the side of "good", as he likes to be on the other side, so he splatters all - all the violence and all fo a steal. He even accusations of all his droogs. By the time Alex is over the resettlement of all his crimes, a girl to Quick look faint.

Police pull Alex cell 10 or 12 other criminals, who are mostly drunk. There is one man with no nose, another who is sleeping and drooling on the floor. Another man has defecated in his pants, and there are two homosexuals eyeing Alex. One of homosexuals trying to jump on Alex, but Alex fights back, causing a loud ruckus. The police come back and win two homosexuals. Alex decides he wants to bed, but they are all full. He climbs the bunk beds and a pull out drunk sleeping there. Drunk coincides drunk and they start fighting. At thesame time, Alex lays down on the bed and begins to dream. Alex is dreaming he is a field of flowers and trees, which is a goat man frame to play the flute. Beethovenis there, recite poems.

Alex has woken up the officer tells him that there is good news. They come in clean room, where the master sits behind a desk, looking at Alex. He tells Alex that a woman has died in hospital. Alex realizes at this moment that this was it,he was now done it all - and she was only 15.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 7 Analysis

Chapter 7 of the first book ends with us realizing how corrupt and young Alex really is. In the past we knew he was still in school, but we do not know his exact age. At this point, we can see how much violence has been damaged brutal mind. We can not see any normal moral development, but the cold that Alex is shocked woman dies, but that he has now made the atrocity known to him. We also see the same mentality disturbed police arrest Alex. They do not have see the sadness of young people lost, or fail to see Alex, but take a pleasure to see beaten and worn. It is as if Alex represents all young offenders are do not want to get in the act.

We also see the anger and frustration, which are part of Alex, and how alone he has come through the actions of PR Deltoid, which just spits out Alex face.

He will no longer be fooled by Alex promises.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 2 of Chapter 5 Summary

Alex will continue to care, but he does not describe the violent movies he has forced to watch. She had cried and cried for them to stop, but they do not. When the last bit of the movie, they brought Alex back to his room, where they gave him food and tea. Dr. Brodsky assistant, Dr. Branom, comes in and tells Alex that he should be feeling better soon, and Alex's surprise, that there will be two sessions The next day. He tells Alex that they need to be tough, so Alex can heal.

Alex asks him why he feels so sick watching these movies when he is not never felt so when he was doing the acts of violence. Dr. Branom tells him that Alex is going to through what he should have known he was growing up - he's done good. Alex denies telling Dr. Branom that he was just feeling sick, but Dr. Branom says that since he has recovered now, he needs to get healthy. contemplates opposed to them the next day. Alex is then fermented discharge officer to ask where Alex goes to the he was released. Alex tells him that he will go to his parents, and that he will surprise them because they do not know that he is the program. Alex also tells him he does not to know what he is going to do the job, but he thinks about going back to his life of crime. Before leaving the discharge officer asks Alex to hit him, and when he swings by Alex feel very sick. The officer leaves with a smile.

Alex is a nightmare full of sleep, then about a movie he watched in the past. He wakes up even the sick before he finally falls into dreamless sleep.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 5 Analysis

While Alex still blinded by how the treatment will affect her, we see that it has already begun to operate. Dr. Alex Branom try to give clues as to what is going on, and warns Alex that he improves. However, Alex continues to believe that the he has the upper hand and can not return to his life of violence, he is released.

We also see the disappearance of the milk to that part of the book, which indicates that Alex is increases. Part 1 of the novel, much of life is surrounded by milk, childhood to drink. Now we see the tea list.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 7 Summary

Alex is back Korova Milk Bar of his three new droogs: Len, Rick, and Bully. Alex is now the oldest, but he is the team leader. He realizes that wants to Bully control group, but Alex is true leader.

After seeing people use drugs Korova time, Alex decides to should leave and head out into the night. He realizes that he has been getting more bored and restless lately. As they pass through the man in the street, he says Bully is ok beat him if they would like. Alex sits back and watches, which he has done more frequently in recent times.

The boys then head over to the Duke of New York drinks. Bully says the bartender to give women a glass of Scotchman, but Alex tells her anything. Recently Alex wanted to keep more of their hard-earned money for themselves. Alex works National Archives Gramodisc the music department, the work he loves. Alex decides he wants a beer, but he will pay, on your baby drops his wallet. Droogs make fun of her and the baby to tear up. Alex finishes his beer and droogs says he is tired and is going home. The bully does not care, because it to give him control of the boys.

Alex goes out into the night and realizes that he and the world around him is changing. He must have realized that now he listens to romantic music and more dreams of old, drinking chai, and sitting by the fire. He thinks he may have 's disease. He also notices that the world around him has changed, because deviants are not violent fear of even more violent police. It has become a battle the two groups, to reduce violence in a more innocent people.

Alex will be a café and decide to order a chai. He sits down to consider the what will happen to him when he sees a couple sitting next to him. As the man turns to take a look at the clock, he realizes that the man is Pete. He goes to talk to Pete nasdat old language that Pete's wife, Georgina, says funny. Pete says Alex how he has grown up and decided she wanted to get married. Then they leave, because they need to head out to a quiet party.

Alex then realizes what has made him so uneasy. He decides that he has grown and the need to get married and start a family. He realizes that he wants to convey to his wisdom on to his son, even though she knows her son will probably do all the bad things Alex has done. He decides that he will begin looking for a wife tomorrow to get began her new life. He wants the reader fond farewell, as the reader can not follow him in his a new life.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 7 Analysis

This figure "Clockwork Orange" is not part of the original American version of the book, because American publishers thought it was weakened by the rest of the story. However, the author explains in his presentation that it really complements the story itself.

This figure allows us to see through all of the commentary on totalitarianism, Communism and political ideologies to understand that the story is also growing. Alex the concept of moving milk chai, a check of not àícontrol, Alex will go through growing up. Fortunately, most people do not grow not all the violence and hatred that meets Alex.

Most criminals will eventually grow out of their criminal behavior, and to go to productive members of society. While some people see the final chapter of the sale, àíout, it is the natural evolution of the character of Alex. He makes a little give in to his egocentrism, but we still see Alex out to please Alex. Instead, he notes, however, that pleasing herself does not mean resorting to horrible acts, but by the wisdom of his son, and even must take care of his wife.

In the end, we still see a society plagued by violence, even if the Board of Directors trying to control it. We understand that there will always be deviants, and sometimes they are human-controlled. We also see how sometimes, if people are left to their own their own choice, they will eventually grow and make a right.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 2 of Chapter 3 Summary

The next day, Alex is pulled down to the governor's office, where he gave a lecture on the governor told about the back of the new Minister of the Interior. He told that the governor should not let Alex in the program because he believes in the eye eye, and this treatment in which Alex is reformed. He reminds Alex that this is far from the reward, but Alex can go to jail after for two weeks. Alex sign a paper stating that he works out the rest of his sentence "Reclamation Treatment."

Alex then brought to meet with a chaplain, which expresses concern about the treatment of Alex lying chaplain about how good it is to be a good, Chaplain tells him it may seem like a pretty bad to be good. He explains that although the man God, he should promote good, it can not be a godly force the goodness of the man by taking away her choice. He asks Alex never think of him as part of this treatment, and starts to cry.

Alex has brought more than a new building, which looks more like a hospital. the staff treats him well, bring him good food and coffee. He has his own room, and a great new pair of green pajamas to wear. He was told by Dr. Brodsky assistant, that he begins his treatment the night before. He received a shot after every meal, and then come take a look at some of the movies. Alex thinks Impact of vitamins, and that the films are laugh.

After his physical exam, Alex changes and sitting back to read some magazines. brought dinner, and give a woman a nurse give him a shot after eating. Assistant Alex comes down to a wheelchair to take him to a treatment room. At first Alex thinks he can walk, but when he stands he is a little unbalanced.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 3 Analysis

Alex still blinded by his desire to get out of jail, and his immaturity and blatant ignorance in this chapter. Although the reader can see all the warning signs of treatment, Alex sees a chance to get out of jail.

He is confused about the priest's reaction to the treatment. He's trying to lie Chaplain about wanting to be good, but is shocked by the chaplain telling her that being good may not be very comfortable. This augurs well for the events will continue to chapters.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 2 Summary

At the beginning of the second chapter, we see Alex and his droogs, leaving Duke New York. They're heading down the street and see a drunken man singing, and they decide to to beat him. Drunk, though beaten, refuses to stop singing, so Dim punches him to close her mouth. The man then begins to scream, how terrible the world and boys should have just finish him off. Alex, his curiosity to listen to him a little Before the boys beat him until he spits blood.

The boys then travel to meet billyboy and his droogs close power plant. Alex describes billyboy and his friends, "old-school" gang. each other in the eye, is not quite sure what they should do with each other, such as billyboy and his droogs is a woman, that they are about to rape. Billyboy throw the woman to the side and the two groups pull out knives and start a fight. Alex and his droogs begin the upper hand, even if the Dim becoming very bloody, but as soon as they hear the sirens approaching and all the boys break up.

Alex and his droogs to escape down the alley, where the Dim notice the moon, and will be distracted. Alex makes some sarcastic comments, and the boys begin to look for the car to steal, they close the movie theater. The boys take off their stolen Durango '95 and begins to terrorize the people along the manner. They scare people, and even run over something before they come to the village, ending up with a small cottage called "home." They decide that they have to pay the owners of a home visit.

Alex knocks on the door of the home and a woman who is responsible, that he need to use the phone. When it does not work, then she tells him she is not phone, he tells her he needs water for his poor friend. Alex talks about the perfect, gentleman-like English, which enables her to let down her guard. As he turns to to get him some water, he reaches the door and unhooks the chain. Droogs storm and behold a man in writing and a wife. They begin to terrorize the man who writes Book the world's state of affairs, called "A Clockwork Orange." As a writer should be more upset, mainly Alex sarcastically reading the script Dim begins to beat the man, when Pete and Georgie are the kitchen, stuffing their the face of food. When Pete and Georgie return, Alex tells them to drop food and helps to keep the man down when he raped his wife. Each boy takes a turn to rape a woman, while others hold the husband.

When the boys have done a woman, they will continue to destroy the house. Just as the Dim is about to defecate carpet, Alex tells them it is time to leave, and they to drive back to the city.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 2 Analysis

In this chapter we will continue to see the senseless violence of the boys come to a head. continue to show a complete disregard for the effects of their violence to others, and rather enjoy the devastation they cause wherever they go. We begin to see that Alex sees the violence and harm to something beautiful and creative. He hears the rhythm of a woman's screams that go along with spaces Dim throwing a writer. Music, rhythm and poetry are wrapped around violence Alex. Ways, they are both just as beautiful as each other and to each other.

We will also continue to get an idea of ​​society and the lives of Alex oppression they live. We see the importance of Russia's influence The language used by Alex and his friends, as there are many references to the size of number of features of communist society. Television program, that many of the people are watching as the boys walk down the lane, are state-sponsored. Drunk talking about the state of the world and the way young people think of the people prisoners in their own homes. As discussed in the introduction Burgess novel boys work in the same way as the police in a communist society by making people are afraid to go home at night.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 5 Summary

Alex wakes up the next morning and start looking for a house, "Clockwork Orange. "When he finds it, he is shocked to realize that the author is Alex, too (F. Alexander is a man's name). Alex peels through the book, which is how The Board of Directors is becoming deviants machines. It tells us how we are all fruits the world is growing in the orchard tree in the world, that God planted, because God wants us to I love him.

F. Alexander invites Alex down to breakfast adn tells her that he has been up to when calling people. Alex screws up and asks how he called, if he does not phone. F. Alexander asks why Alex thinks he does not have a phone, but then Alex cover it. F. Alexander moves and tells him that he and his friends think of Alex is albe to help them keep the current government to beign re-àíelected, and how The current government recruited thugs to the police and the use of the Ludovico technique manage deviants.

F. Alexander to Alex, he wrote to him and tells him how he is ready to fight freedom. He says that people are willing to give up all kinds of liberties with some peace and quiet, and he believes that he has to fight so that people understand what they give up. Alex wants to know what it is to him, but gets no response. The doorbell rings, and it has three F. Alexander friends. They begin to plan how to Alex used the best reason. Alex still have to ask what does it for him. They just tell Alex, that if this plan works, there is a little surprise for him in the end. Alex gets upset and starts yelling about how he has suffered so much and wants to be what he once was.

People are trying to calm him down, but he is responsible for asking questions, if they are all dull or something, which then triggers the memory of F. Alexander. He divides the memory think that there is no way this could be one of the invaders, but if it had, he would to tear him apart. Alex tells the men he has to leave, but they say that now they have a him, they are not letting him go. Alex wants to fight them, but not sick idea. F. Alexander is still running over the memory of someone named "Dim."

Men bring Alex the city and placed him in the apartment. When they leave, Alex take a nap, waking up next to the symphony play. At first, he enjoys it, but then he starts to get sick. He's screaming and yelling at them to shut it down. He's trying to get away, but men have locked him in. He sees a newspaper headline that reads, "Death to the The Board of Directors, "and that is the fate of telling him what to do. Talks about the opening of Line window, so Alex does, AI, and he jumps.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 5 Analysis

Alex says "A Clockwork Orange" to find that the man has written a lot of overbearing government control. Alex did not really understand what the person is writing, but later finds that men use him as the government has two sides of the same coin to Alex's own agenda. Alex does not care about the government or the men's intentions, he's just tired, not having choices and his inability to control his life.

Alex is frustrated by his inability to fight back, and when you wake up his nap is one of the a wonderful moment to listen to the music before the illness and the pain starts. This time, lack of control is superior, and he can not get out of the situation. He in turn is based on intuition and destiny to guide his actions by jumping out the window. Jumping from Alex makes a leap of faith. The leap that allows him to get some sort of control and get rid of the pain or restrictions of life. He is confident that this step forward to give him freedom.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 2 of Chapter 6 Summary

In his second day of treatment, Alex still watch movies at the same time reaction of nausea and abdominal pain. Because he is watching a movie in the Jewish slaughtered in Nazi Germany, he realizes that the music is being played is his love Beethoven. The idea makes him vomit.

Dr. Brodsky then explain to Alex that she used to improve the association's Alex. He says that the violence now to join the sick feeling. Alex first view, it is only the wires and films, but then it should be understood that it is injections that cause nausea.

Alex tries to tell the doctor that he is fine now, revised. Dr. Brodsky did not cheat and tells him that they still have a long way to go before Alex starts to react correctly violence. He tells them that he now sees that the people have the right to live without victim, but they just tell him that he will appear for two weeks. Alex, even though it seems like a lifetime.

After a few days of treatment, they come to Alex without the injection. They him to walk into a room, where Alex is mixed. She starts to cry when he falls ill watching movies, because he was sure that it was the injections will make him sick. Now she realizes that he is like this forever.

That night, Alex attracts the staff of his plan for escape. He tells them that he is appendicitis so they open the door. When they do, he is trying to attack, and he will be violently sick. Staff members then taunts Alex and hits him. realizes it is better to be hit than to hit. He believes he should have expressed cheek in a controlled manner.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2 of Chapter 6 of Analysis

Now we see an even deeper impact on the treatment of Alex, and we begin the for the first time in the novel, it is understood his character. We watch as he begin to understand what's happening to him. That the treatment means that he will never enjoy the violence that was once so beautiful to him, and he can not enjoy the music that brought him the same pleasure.

Alex is also beginning to make the transition from acting to work inward. He starts not only become ill, if he is, but he thinks that he is exposing himself to others.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 1 Summary

Alex is now in state prison 84F. Alex says, in brief detail, his trial. His mother was a crying about how a poor boy, and his father had begun to blame God for what had Alex takes place. According to Alex, the judge just absorbed all the "lies" that P.R. Deltoid told him about Alex's behavior. Finally, Alex was sentenced to 14 years behind bars.

He is now Staja (State Jail) 84F. He was miserably dressed in a one-piece brown jumpsuit with his prisoner number, 6655321, sewn on front and back. He is surrounded by criminals, such as what he had perverted who kept looking at the Alex and possibly having to go to him. He did not want to work in the workshop and was bored hanging out with only his front yard. He was also tired of listening to people's come in and talk about topics such as the universe, and snowflakes, even if the Snowflakes had reminded him of his old droogs, and when he was free.

A while ago, Alex had learned during a visit to his parents, that Georgie was dead. Apparently, Georgie was convinced to try droogs burglarizing the old man's house. He and the other boys had beaten the man on the floor. When they were destroyed by the house, the man grabbed the iron bar and began swinging it at the boys. Pete and Dim able to make it out of the window, but Georgie trips. A man hit him on the head and kill him. Alex considers this just desserts, and Fate.

On this particular Sunday, as most Sundays, Alex Wing chapel, one four chapels in prison. It's his job to work in stereo operation. Chaplain is lecture prisoners, why do they keep coming and crimes in and out of jail. He tells them that hell does exist, and they take the easy out, and there are worse places than Hell, where people writhe in pain. One of the prisoners makes a noise and then beaten and dragged out of the guards, Alex tells us how he came to work in the chapel on Sundays. As part of his training, Alex had been locked in the chapel, forced to read the Bible, and was listen to the music of Bach and Handel. He thinks about how he used to like the old Testament the better, because there was too much preaching in the New Testament. However when the music would play, and he dreamed of physically nailing of Christ cross and take pleasure in violence. Chaplain Alex's wrong interest and took a liking to Alex.

Chaplain continue to talk about the Bible Jesus warns against the construction of house upon the sand, and Alex thinks about how stupid it would be to build a house on sand. Afterward, Chaplain Alex comes over to find out what is going on. Alex knows that he is just prying can give some inside information on the Governor. Alex take pleasure in giving information about the chaplain, as well as right and wrong, and he delivers he made up the story of cocaine coming to the prison, and where it is processed. Chaplain is satisfied.

Alex asks the curate if he has heard any new treatment, and if he could get him in the program. Chaplain must be careful, and warns Alex that treatment, which is called the Ludovico technique is still at an experimental stage. They do not know if treatment really works yet. He also tells Alex that she is not sure if it is godly, as Goodness is selected, but when a man can not choose, he is no longer a human being. Chaplain makes no comment on the treatment that day, even though he told Alex he discuss the matter further. Alex returns to his cell, a new, more criminal, droogs. He is grateful to the they are rough prisoners, but they are not susceptible to perversion meat. There is Zophar, Wall, JoJohn, and a doctor, all of which Alex is referred to as a "crazy a lot." In In addition, even when the cell is originally designed for three, six of them is crammed in there.

Then the guards brought the seventh, says a new prisoner, that he is only to share beds or sleep on the floor.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 1 Analysis This chapter Alex starts his life in prison. Disgruntled spending 14 years of his life locked up, he takes a bit of the joy of his parents' grief and Georgie's death. We see a strange way comparable to Georgie died, and how he set Alex up to be were arrested.

Also in this chapter we see on poetry, religion, and music remains a major

Alex describes the role of the world. He enjoys reading the Bible, but only the violence of its

image. He hears the Bible, than to build a house on sand, and it will take more the literal level as the spiritual.

We also begin to see the chaplain of the novel itself causing the issue. Is the man really man, if he is unable to make the choice between good and evil for themselves? Alex cause a similar issue when reading the paper earlier story, and now it strengthen the belief that if he does not do bad things, he ceases to be a human being.Alex also begins to question the new technology is spoken among the prisoners. He does not think about the consequences or what the treatment is required, he just sees it as a quick way to prison (ie, to build a house on sand instead of a fixed Foundation). He cares little for the chaplain to worry, but only that it served his the desire to be free to control their own lives again.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 3 Summary

The police got out of the men's and turn to Alex, who is shocked to face the police officials. It is billyboy and Dim. They tell a third police that the men had the right to retaliate, when Alex was greatly harmed them several years ago. Alex pointed out that Dim was as much to do with the situation, and tells him so. However, Dim replies that he does not remember such an act, and then rebukes Alex called this a "Dim" and "Officer."

They push Alex into a police car and driving. Alex tries to ask them Pete, but they do not care about him. Billyboy start talking about what a nice day it is to drive the ground, and then they explain to Alex that they were going to hit him. Alex tries to explain that he has reformed, but they already know the story. Super told them everything. In his wrath, Alex sarcastically asks Dim if he is too stupid read for yourself what causes Dim hit Alex hard nose. Alex shouts that he was always on his own and did not have the confidence at all.

They stop out of the ground and severely beat Alex. They left him there and run off, laughing and waving. As Alex begins to get up to walk, the rain starts. He sees a few houses and lights, and realizes that he has no place to go. This idea makes him cry, but he still gets up and starts to walk.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 3, Chapter 3 Analysis

In this chapter we will see a turning point in Alex. It was one thing for them, he had contempt on top of him, but Dim was a whole other story. He felt more betrayal The players as even his parents to donate his room. We also see that by being behind bars, Alex has been suspended more growth. Jail has done little to Alex ripen.

In signs of maturing, we also see a greater effect on the treatment of Alex. It is not true Alex vary, but only a physical restraint. Alex has continued to grow since the stop his inability to make choices for themselves.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 1, Chapter 1 Summary

We start with an introduction to the story and the main character, Alex and his three droogs (Friends). Alex and his droogs, Dim, Pete, and Georgie, sitting in the Korova Milk Bar, a place that serves milk laced with drugs such as hallucinogens and stimulants patrons, trying to decide what they're going to do it yourself, that evening. Alex and his droogs are young, with pockets full of money, and well-dressed. He gives Description of the other people in the bar, too. There are young women who are make-up and dresses that are the names of the men they are having sex before they were 14 At first, Alex thinks about ditching one of her friends and the rest of the girls will go away, but then he changes his mind. After examining the man next to him, who is hallucinating from the drugs in his milk, he and his team go to out into the night.

Then they come upon a gentleman walking some of the books, which Alex describes afraid to see them. They surrounded him, so playful and terrifying manner, to destroy his books and tell him that he is a pervert, and then they beat him to pulp. They leave her moaning and bloody.

The boys then head to the Duke of New York to establish an alibi and get the incentive create more confusion and trouble. There are four older women sitting at a table, which become nervous boys. They buy women drinks, and then continue back out into the night, which they then rob the store. Crime is particularly violent, and the boys head back to the Duke of New York. Upon his return, Alex and his droogs to ensure that women give them an alibi, which turns out to be they need, when the police show up. We find that the result of the violence, as well as a man and a woman in the store to the hospital. However, women are Duke vouch for Alex and his droogs.


A Clockwork Orange - Volume 1, Chapter 1 Analysis

The beginning of the novel, Clockwork Orange turns out to be a different sort of story. We have introduced Alex and his group of friends, who we quickly realize the deviants. They think that drug use and violence is part of everyday life, and more violent and disruptive behavior, encouraging them.

What makes the behavior so much more fascinating and disturbing is the language of the author. Feels like a mixture of Russian, French, and other languages. At At first, it may seem like nonsense, so it's a bit confusing. However, as the story continues, it will increase the dark nature of the boys and the world they live in, to improve the and not to leave out of the story. How certain words are pronounced more weight to what is going on in the world.

In the first chapter, we begin to see the dark and disturbing world to take shape. We get a description of how the people of that world did not care enough to even be considered current events, and perversion, drug use and violence run rampant. Boys are a product of apathy, as evidenced by their lack of commitment to crime they commit.

A Clockwork Orange - Part 2 of Chapter 3 Summary

The next day, Alex is pulled down to the governor's office, where he gav a lecture on the governor told about the back of the new Minister of the Interior. He told that the governor should not let Alex in the program because he believes in the eye, and this treatment in which Alex is reformed. He reminds Alex that this is far from the reward, but Alex can go to jail after for two weeks. Alex sign a paper stating that he works out the rest of his sentence "Reclamation Treatment."

Alex then brought to meet with a chaplain, which expresses concern about the treatment of While Alex is lying chaplain about how good it is to be a good, Chaplain tells him it may seem like a pretty bad to be good. He explains that although the man God, he should promote good, it can not be a godly force the goodness of the man by taking away her choice. He asks Alex never think of him as part of this treatment, and starts to cry.

Alex has brought more than a new building, which looks more like a hospital. the staff treats him well, bring him good food and coffee. He has his own room, and a great new pair of green pajamas to wear. He was told by Dr. Brodsky assistant, that he begins his treatment the night before. He received a shot after every meal, and then come take a look at some of the movies. Alex thinks Impact of vitamins, and that the films are laugh.

After his physical exam, Alex changes and sitting back to read some magazines. brought dinner, and give a woman a nurse give him a shot after eating. Assistant Alex comes down to a wheelchair to take him to a treatment room. At first Alex thinks he can walk, but when he stands he is a little unbalanced.


A Clockwork Orange - Part 2, Chapter 3 Analysis

Alex still blinded by his desire to get out of jail, and his immaturity and blatant ignorance in this chapter. Although the reader can see all the warning signs of treatment, Alex sees a chance to get out of jail.
 He is confused about the priest's reaction to the treatment. He's trying to lie Chaplain about wanting to be good, but is shocked by the chaplain telling her that being good may not be very comfortable. This augurs well for the events will continue to chapters.

Concept of Sustainable development

Sustainable development is a relatively new concept. One of his first, and probably the best known, is the definition provided by the Brundtland Commission in 1987. The Brundtland Commission was a commission convened by the United Nations in 1983 to take into account "the accelerated deterioration of the human environment and natural resources and the consequences of that deterioration of the economic and social development." Formally known as the World Commission on Environment and Development, the commission is better known by the name of its chairman, the Norwegian diplomat Gro Harlem Brundtland. The Brundtland Commission defined sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".

In its simplest most basic sense, sustainable development refers to the creation of social and political systems that enable people to reach their highest level of health, happiness and success by using but not deplete natural resources available. In that sense, sustainable development is often considered to be based on three pillars: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and sociopolitical sustainability. The primers on sustainable development often illustrate these three elements in the form of a diagram showing three intersecting circles, one for each of the three pillars. The intersection of any pair of circles represents one aspect of sustainable development. The interaction of the business and socio-political, for example, represents the characteristic of a society that guarantees equality of all members of a society. The intersection of economic and environmental circles is a viable society, ie it continues to operate effectively, and that does not deplete natural resources it needs to continue operating at maximum efficiency. Take the intersection of the three circles, of such a diagram to represent a sustainable society in which they are meeting the needs represented by the three circles.

Needless to say, perhaps, that a society probably can not survive unless it adopts a philosophy of sustainable development. Consider a nation, for example, that depend on trees for most of their basic needs such as fuel, shelter and raw materials for a variety of products. If the people of that nation's crop trees as fast as they need, faster than the trees can grow back with time out of basic materials which culture depends. The country's economy may begin to fail (the economic effect), and the life of the people is almost certain to make it harder (socio-political effect). Many early peoples learned this principle without having to read about it in books. Discovered by trial and error they had to think about their needs not only for this year but for years in the future, ensuring that protect natural resources to ensure they would be available for future generations. Nations have been developed only recently begun to exhaust their supplies of natural resources at a rate faster than they can be replaced, a phenomenon that led, in fact, to the creation of the Brundtland Commission in 1983.

Some people argue that sustainable development implies fourth pillar: cultural diversity. Compare the need for cultural diversity to biodiversity. I mean, like a healthy environment depends on a wide and complex variety of plants, animals and other living organisms, so does a viable world or regional society depends on a complex mix of different cultures, all with their own stories, philosophies, traditions and development approaches. The argument for culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development most often comes from the natives, who are under pressure from developed countries to modernize their cultures and leave the ways "old-fashioned" of life maintained by generations . These people have claimed in various international forums that sustainable development depends not only on economic and political development and social and environmental protection, but also in the protection of cultural diversity, to provide a means "to achieve a more satisfactory intellectual , emotional, moral and spiritual existence ".

The concept of sustainable development has swept the world over the past two decades. Government agencies at all levels, from the United Nations to local city governments have begun to examine the specific ways in which sustainable development principles can be implemented within their areas of competence. In addition, many non-profit organizations and private NGOs have been formed to study the implications of sustainable development and the means by which this concept can be put into practice. As an example, the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) was created in 1992 within the Department of Economic and Social Affairs to follow up the recommendations of the United Nations Conference 1992 on Environment and Development UN (so-called Earth Summit) in Rio de Janeiro. Today, the DSD is dedicated to a wide variety of activities, ranging from help countries and regions to develop sustainable development policies to help countries develop and implement sustainable development practices.

Another way to address the problems of sustainable development through organizations such as the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), a research organization created by the Canadian government in 1990 to study specific issues in sustainable development and to provide information on its findings to the countries and communities where they can practice. IISD is currently conducting research and providing information on a variety of issues, including climate change and energy, foreign investment for sustainable development, sustainable markets, adaptation and risk reduction, and governance for sustainable development.

The implementation of sustainable development is inevitably heavily influenced by local issues. The United Nations University (UNU), for example, has focused on the problems of sustainable development in Zambia, a country whose economy is dominated by the environmental devastation of the mining industry. UNU has been trying to find ways to improve the quality of social, cultural and political development in the country, considering the crucial economic role of mining in Zambia.